Another Ontario Election

Catelli 🚣🏻🚴🏻🏕
3 min readMay 4, 2022


The writs are drawn up. Time to re-elect the current government.

It seems that every election, I feel more disaffected than I did the election before. This provincial election has put that disaffection in stark relief.

What is the primary duty of an elected government?

I believe the primary duty of an elected government is to ensure the health and safety of the citizens in its care. From there all other duties are derived. The Doug Ford led Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario does not share that belief. The FordNation cult believes that health and safety is at best on par with other concerns, primarily the profits of business. If you argued that health and safety was a secondary or tertiary priority (or not a priority at all), I would listen to that argument and give it serious consideration. Such is the state of the Province of Ontario.

Having said that, it should not surprise anyone that I will not vote for the Progressive Conservative candidate in my riding. I am fairly certain I will never vote for any Conservative party in any election ever again for the rest of my life, such is the divergence in the values conservatism holds vs. what I hold near and dear.

Unfortunately, a large segment of the Ontario adult population does not share the same values as I. They are enthusiastic supporters of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario. Enthusiastic supporters of a party that was mockingly called #MurderClowns on Twitter during the course of the worst of the COVID18 pandemic.

That’s the stark relief in my current disaffection with the whole fucking thing.

Too many of my fellow citizens do not care that their government through policy choices and inaction, murdered thousands of their fellow citizens.

This has led to a lot of pondering, soul searching, and dawning realizations. The modern conservative party supporter is a selfish individual. They only care about policies that benefit themselves. They have no sense of what is best for others in their community, province or nation. They will dispute this, because they will argue what is good for them, is good for others too. Which is an obvious truth. But to have true empathy for others means willingness to embrace policies that benefit others, even if it means a small sacrifice of the self. The modern conservative lacks that.

Like being willing to wear a Fucking mask in public during a Fucking global pandemic. But I digress.

We have as a province sacrificed two pillars of a sustainable and health society. Our health care system, and the people it employs; and our education sector, and the students it teaches and the people it employs. We have yet to see the full effect of this sacrifice, and how it will affect everyone that lives in Ontario. More people will yet die because of inadequate care from an over burdened, over-whelmed and exhausted health care system. And many students will endure failure, burn out and rejection as the education system fails to prepare them for the lives they need to lead.

All for what? So people can go shopping again without wearing a mask. Can eat indoors again. Can go see a movie again. Can live their lives without the burden of caring for the health and safety of others. That was too much of an infringement on their freedoms.

I admit, I am painting all conservative supporters with a very broad brush. Perhaps there are are dissatisfied Progressive Conservative supporters out there that feel as I do about the health and safety of their fellow citizens. But if they exist, they’re pretty damned quiet about it. And they will vote for the #MurderClowns regardless of those feelings.

Many conservative supporters objected to the Black Lives Movement with “All Lives Matter!” They missed the point that that was what the BLM movement was trying to say. That Black Lives matter as much as White Lives. So that in the end, “All Lives Matter.”

What the pandemic has shown is that there was even a bigger underlying hypocrisy to “All Lives Matter.” Because they didn’t even care about the white lives that were suffering through this pandemic. It was even worse than we thought. It never was “All Lives Matter” as we suspected, but it wasn’t even “All White Lives Matter.” It’s much more desolate than that. It’s “My Life Matters, Yours Does Not.”

That’s your modern conservative. Their Life Matters. Yours Does Not.

Time to re-elect the current government. Because you do not matter. And the current government is the best option to maintain that status quo.



Catelli 🚣🏻🚴🏻🏕
Catelli 🚣🏻🚴🏻🏕

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