If I Could Turn Back Time
Somehow I meet myself back in the year 1990….
Current Me: “Do NOT go into Computers.”
Past me: “Why not?”
CM: “Phones.”
PM: “Phones? As in Telephones?”
CM: “Yes.”
PM “Why? I don’t understand! None of my computer courses talk about phones.”
CM: “You will have to support them. All phones. Mobile phones, desk phones, phone software, phone hardware, phone systems, phone lines, phone contracts. Phones.”
PM: “Uh. Why is it so hard?”
CM: “Oh you poor innocent man. They will start putting computers in them. They will turn phones into computers. What is now a simple analogue device powered by simple sound waves will turn into a Frankenstein monster of digital kludgeware that will work when it wants to and will quit for no discernable reason at all.”
PM: “Oh it can’t be that bad.”
CM: “Oh it is.”
PM: “So what should I do instead?”
CM: “Accounting. Accountants rule the world.”
PM: “I don’t believe you. I like computers.”
CM: “You are dooming us to having this conversation again.”