Perspicacity or Captain Obvious
I wrote this on Twitter watching the doom of another Ford Government roll in, and now that it has arrived, and both Del Duca and Horwath have resigned, I record it here for posterity.
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The Doug Ford government is deadly in its incompetence, and Ontario is worse off and will continue to decline as long as the PCs are in power. I am certain of that. Cannot be dissuaded. But I look at the alternatives on offer and… FFS. No wonder we’re screwed.
The Liberals, oh the Liberals. We have the FraudNation government because Ontarians finally couldn’t stand the stench of the McGuinty/Wynne era of governance. And when the Libs had a chance to rebuild and refresh themselves, and present a new face they thought hey, let’s give Ontario more of the same with a Wynne era cabinet minister who couldn’t hold onto his seat in the last election. Liberals. They never take rejection at the polls as a lesson. They only see it as an aberration from the norm.
The NDP…. As useful as a Tesla in the arctic. You want to like them but they stand for absolutely nothing at all. They’re a white Tesla in the arctic in a snowstorm… Andrea Horwath had the biggest opportunity the NDP have seen in years in opposing Doug Ford. And when she’s heard from at all, she at her most strident sounds like a kindly senile grandmother “Now boys, don’t make me come over there, or I won’t make you your favourite snack.” while her grandsons beat each other to death with rocks.
I don’t get the NDP. I swear they actually don’t want to form government, they’re too scared to, so they put in a token effort at best to avoid being given the responsibility of running the province.
Now the Libs and the NDP have four years to get their shit together. Which party will have learned the right lessons? My money is on “neither of them.”