Star Trek is Horrible…

Catelli 🚣🏻🚴🏻🏕
2 min readApr 29, 2022



Star Trek Discovery has been a slog through four interminable seasons. Star Trek Picard Season 1 was… OK.

Star Trek Picard Season 2 is another interminable slog. I watch it waiting for it to get to the damned point. And it takes so long to get there that the point is lost. It has no meaning.

The Star Trek writers do not know how to do serialized television. The story they are trying to tell is a 3 episode story at it’s very maximum. But because they try to make it an entire season, they fill it and fluff up the story with meaningless moments and pointless obstacles just to fill time.

And through this story telling, they destroy their characters. Their flaws have outsized importance and are given such prominence that the characters are no longer sympathetic. They’re whiny cry babies having moments of personal crisis or revelation (or both) and the whole universe literally stops to let them have that moment and be the center of attention. Seriously! In the middle of a fire fight with Borg mercenaries, Picard relives his mother’s suicide and attains… peace with himself? WTF? (Raffi is such an unstable emotional mess it’s hard to accept that she’s a senior Star Fleet officer.)

Star Trek Discovery’s seasons are hour long therapy sessions for every character on the show. Strip away what action there is, and the whole show could be shot on a series of therapist’s couches.

And this isn’t even addressing the numerous plot holes both series have. You’d think that with such a long time to tell every detail about a story the writers would manage to avoid logic gaps and plot holes but nope. Every episode has a “what the hell?” plot hole big enough to fly a Borg Cube through it. (In the Star Trek universe, any physician from any era can use any medical device invented in any era. Would love to know what course covers futuristic tricorders in medical school.)

It’s such a waste when good actors are given shitty material to work with. I’m gritting my teeth and will suffer to the end of this season of Picard, but after that, I just might be done with Star Trek. In this, and any other timeline.

UPDATE: Looks like I won’t be watching “Strange New Worlds.”



Catelli 🚣🏻🚴🏻🏕
Catelli 🚣🏻🚴🏻🏕

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